Sport sections

Artistic gymnastics

The Alem rhythmic gymnastics school is based on the territory of the warm-up hall of the Qazaqstan Athletics Sports Complex.

Rhythmic gymnastics is a special sport for girls, feminine and harmonious. Girls begin training at the age of 4-5 and from childhood they improve their health, form correct posture, develop flexibility and coordination.

Study groups are formed in accordance with age, orientation, and level of physical fitness.

Trainers: Masters of Sports of Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan KZUAUZ

Choreographers: Honored Workers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Ballet Dancers

Tuition cost: primary classes 25000 tenge.

Medium and sports groups 30.000 tenge.

First shift from 8.00 to 12.00.

Second shift from 15.00 to 20.00.

To register +7 (708) 211-36-83.
