Kinds of sports
Bullet shooting
Dear sports fans, we continue to acquaint you with the sports of our Center. We present you for reading information about bullet shooting.
Bullet shooting
Dear sports fans, we continue to acquaint you with the sports of our Center. Today we present you for reading information about bullet shooting.
Bullet shooting
Shooting as a sport is perhaps the oldest sporting event. Its roots go back to the holding of tournaments with marksmanship with a bow or crossbow. Since the invention of firearms by man, marksmanship competitions have been held with muskets and rifles. With the invention of rifled weapons, shooting with bullets began to turn into an independent sports discipline.
From the middle of the 15th century, aiming tournaments began to be held in Switzerland. Later they developed into national championships in shooting from different types of weapons (guns, pistols). The first rifle shooting competition took place in 1824. In the 19th century, similar competitions and championships began to be organized throughout European countries.
At the end of the 19th century, shooting became widespread throughout the world. At the suggestion of Pierre de Coubertin, who was the 7-time champion of the French Republic in pistol shooting, rifle and pistol shooting was included in the program of the first modern Olympics in 1896. During the Olympiad, 5 sets of medals were played in this discipline. Since then, sport shooting has invariably been included in the program of all Olympic Games, except for the 1924 and 1928 Olympics.
For the first time, the World Shooting Championship was held in 1897 in Lyon. The number of its participants included only 25 people.
1907 was the founding year of the International Union of Shooting Federations. Initially, it included only 8 participating countries. After 14 years, this organization was renamed the International Shooting Union, and after another 26 years it turned into the International Union of Shooting Sports.
Sports bullet shooting is a rather difficult sport. It will take a lot of time and effort to learn how to shoot accurately. Sports shooting helps to develop in a person perseverance, composure, patience, desire to win. Sports bullet shooting has become a sport where you need to win the fight against yourself to win the competition.
Bullet shooting is one of the shooting sports . In this sport, shooting is carried out from pneumatic (4.5 mm), small-bore (5.6 mm) and large-bore (7.62 mm for rifles and 7.62-9.65 mm for pistols) rifles and pistols. Subdivided into pistol shooting, rifle shooting, rifle shooting at a moving target.
The Olympic rifle program includes 5 exercises. Two of them are female and male (MV-3x40, VP-60) and one for a mixed team (VP-40 + 40). The pistol program also includes 5 sets of medals. Of these, two are female (MP-60, PP-60), two are male (MP-60SS, PP-60) and one is for a mixed team (PP-40 + 40).
Small bore rifle
Exercise MV-3x40 (men, women): shooting from three positions (kneeling, lying, standing - in the specified sequence), 120 shots (40 from each position), distance 50 meters. The number of test shots is not limited. The time to complete the exercise is 2 hours 45 minutes (according to SIUS ASCOR electronic settings) or 3 hours 30 minutes (for work on paper targets).
Pneumatic rifle
Exercise VP-60: distance 10 meters, target number 8. 60 test shots while standing, the number of test shots is not limited. Time for sighting is 15 minutes. The exercise time is 75 minutes or 90 minutes if there are no electronic targets.
Exercise VP-40 + 40 (mixed pair): distance 10 meters, target number 8. 40 test shots while standing, the number of test shots is not limited. Time for sighting is 15 minutes. The exercise time is 50 minutes or 60 minutes if there are no electronic targets.
Small bore pistol
Exercise MP-60 (women): standard pistol. The exercise is divided into two parts. The first part of the exercise (30 valid shots) is performed on a stationary target. 5 sighting shots are allowed. The second (30 valid shots) is performed on the target that appears. 5 sighting shots are allowed. Shooting is carried out in a series of 5 shots at one target. In the first half, each series is performed in 5 minutes; in the second half of each series, the target appears 5 times for 3 seconds, during which the shooter fires one shot (pauses between the appearance of the target - 7 seconds).
Exercise MP-60SS (men): standard pistol. Exercise MP-60СС consists of two exercises MP-30СС (distance 25 meters, target No. 5, 5 trial shots and 30 valid shots (6 series of 5 shots). 8 seconds each, 2 series of 6 seconds, 2 series of 4 seconds).
Air gun
Exercise PP-60: distance 10 meters, target number 9. 60 test shots while standing, the number of test shots is not limited. Time for sighting is 15 minutes. The exercise time is 75 minutes or 90 minutes if there are no electronic targets.
Exercise PP-40 + 40 (mixed pair): distance 10 meters, target No. 9. 40 standing shots, the number of trial shots is not limited. Time for sighting is 15 minutes. The exercise time is 50 minutes or 60 minutes if there are no electronic targets.
The number of athletes involved in the bullet shooting department of the Republican State Enterprise “Olympic Training Center“ Astana ”is 63 athletes, of which: Candidate Master of Sports - 31, MS - 12, MSMK - 20.
Leading athletes of the bullet shooting department:
1. Chiryukin Nikita - two-time winner (two gold) of the Asian Championship, 2019 (Qatar, Doha)
2. Elizaveta Bezrukova - 2nd place at the 2021 Asian Championship in Turkey (online - shooting).
3. Altukhova Arina - Asian Championship 4th place, 2019 (Qatar, Doha), World Cup 4th place, 2021 (India), Youth Games of the Republic of Kazakhstan 1st place, 2021 (Shymkent).
4. Malinovsky Konstantin - 2019 1st place at the Asian Championship (Qatar, Doha);
5. King Elizabeth 2019 - World Cup 3rd place, 50 m rifle (India). Current world ranking (ISSF Federation): 23rd place, Repeated winner of republican and international competitions. Record holder of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Member of the RK national team in the discipline "rifle".
6. Irnazarova Fatima - Asian Championship 1st place (individual), two-time bronze in the team, 2019 (Qatar, Doha).
7. Irnazarova Zukhra - Asian Championship, two-time bronze in the team, 2019 (Qatar, Doha).
8. Khudyakov Andrey - World Championship 3rd place, 2018 (Korea). Two-time bronze medalist of the 2019 Grand Prix (Qatar, Doha).